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Introducing BHL's new web interface - Liberty

Liberty allows you to access and create contacts, clients, matters, fees, tasks and documents using your web browser on your computer, mobile, or tablet. Cheque requests and sundries can be created, and bills can be viewed.


The benefit of Liberty is that from the convenience of your internet browser you can access your data anytime, anywhere. It will run on your workstation, laptop, iOS, Android or Windows Phone OS device and allow you to quickly and simply perform many of the tasks you would commonly need while on the move. Liberty is touch sensitive and works well on iPads as well as on Macs and PCs. Liberty is designed to be exceptionally easy to learn and use. 


Liberty has been an expanding project with the new Insight Task Management function, and a new Overview screen. The Task Management function is designed to help you better manage fixed fees, implement legal project management, and respond to the Uniform Legal Profession Act.  


Liberty requires Version 9.1 of Insight, which itself has many new features, including: 

  • Improved Task Management system (independent of Workflow)

  • Improved Ribbon Menu system

  • Improved Document Management System (Preview, Email Attachments and Text Search).


Overview is similar to Insight’s Dashboards and is oriented around fee earners, showing a rolling 12 months of billable time versus budget and prior year. It displays the proportion of fees billed, a graph of Aged WIP (Current, 30,60, 90 120+ days), and a fee diary showing days worked and the days when budget has been reached. 


As Overview develops, we believe it will become an increasingly useful part of your firm’s management systems.


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